Friday, January 8, 2010

My Cousin Vinny, Stuttering Attorney

The way how stuttering has been portrayed by the general public at large is often secondary to the way how various elements of the media (Hollywood, TV, Theater etc.) has presented it to the public. Often times movies portray the person who stutters as a character to be laughed at, with sub par intelligence. As I have stated previously (on several posts) this could be no further from the truth as stutterers have made great contribution to the human experience in the scientific world (Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle), medicine (Dr. Gerald Maguire), politics (Vice President Joseph Biden, Sir Winston Churchill), business (Jack Welch, Arthur Blank), literature ( John Updike, Lewis Carroll), journalism (Byron Pitts, John Stossell, sports and entertainment (Ellis Lankster, Ron Hopper, Kenyon Martin, ) just to name a few (review my post on "Famous Stutterers").

I was reviewing a scene from the movie "My Cousin Vinny" where one of the defense lawyers portrays the character of a stutterer; when he approached the witness to cross examined him just about everyone in the courtroom was shocked at the lawyer's speech impediment. The attorney did not warned the audience that he was a stutterer and his stuttering through the court off guard: examined the reaction of the members of the jury as the attorney cross examined the witness--eyes wide opened, mouths literally wide opened, some jury members looked afraid, some jury members looked in disdained. It was not easy for the attorney himself as he engaged in some primary behaviors of stuttering such as repetition of words, prolongation of sounds; I did not noticed however, any silent block or hesitations. Even the attorney's client was surprised by his lawyer's stuttering and the lawyer replied well I was a little nervous.

I think the director in "My Cousin Vinny," portrayed the stutterer better than how most movies portray stuttering and I think the scene is well worth watching to evaluate some of the above characteristics of stuttering. It is my opinion that if the stutterer warns or informed the audience of his stuttering then most people would be sympathetic towards the stutterer and the reaction like this lawyer got in the court room would have been minimized! Informing the audience would have reduced the fear and anxiety associated with the increase of stuttering (although fear and anxiety do not cause stuttering).

Please click on the link and watch the video and leave your comment. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. I take the opposite view point that the movie portrayed stuttering inaccurately. I am a trial lawyer and I have a moderate stutter. I stutter openly in Court and do not always inform the Judge that stutter. The lawyer in My Cousin Vinny was portrayed as incompetent because he was able to defend his client because of his stuttering. I find this offensive because it gives the impression that stutters are ignorant or that stuttering prohibits effective communication. Stutterers may not communicate with the ease of fluent persons, but they do communicate effectively. I for one can attest that I say what need to say in Court in defense of my clients. I guess the fact that I keep getting referrals is a sign that my stuttering is not an issue as long as I get the job done.
