Sunday, January 3, 2010

Help Me To Speak

Today I will present a video entitled, "Help Me To Speak," that I came across on you tube. It is a very educational video for the public to learn more about stuttering. It focuses on the lives of three persons who stutter: Nathan Stevens, Joanne Murphy and Mudiaga. They live in the United Kingdom.

Nathan Stevens: Nathan is 16 years of age and has stutter since early childhood but his stuttering became more noticeable at approximately age seven. He wants to be a film actor but stuttering has been an obstacle for him: he tries to avoid hanging out with friends and being in a public setting where he will be compelled to speak. In this play he focuses on practicing for an end of term school play which will require him to speak in front of a large audience; he tries very hard in practice to achieve fluency as this would increase his confidence for the school play.

Joanne Murphy: Joanne Murphy is 11 years old and has been stuttering since 3 years of age. Her stuttering is not severe and consequently, she was declined for speech therapy. She waits eagerly on the speech therapy waiting list to be qualify for therapy. Her parents are a bit concern about the impact that stuttering will have on her future, such as getting a "boy friend," according to her father.

Mudiaga (not sure of the spelling) is 18 years old and he has a severe stutter; consequently, just saying his name takes a whole lot of physical and emotional energy. He wants to be a graphic designer as he is very talented in that area. Mudiaga feels that the stuttering might become an obstacle to achieving his goal of becoming a graphic designer but he is determined to fight this war on stuttering. To this end he enrolled in a speech therapy program and he found that his stuttering has indeed shown improvement; he is excited about this because being fluent will improve his social life as well with respect to dating!

Here is the youtube site:

There are 5 parts to this video; therefore, remember to watch the remaining parts after the initial episode.

Please leave a comment after watching the video. Thank you.

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