Stutterers are often tense in a public setting, especially when it comes to public speaking. I know how it feels to experience virtually every embarrassment that people who stutter often experience! One day we will eventually find the cure for stuttering; I will definitely pursue the cure for stuttering. But for now I think a merry heart does good like medicine and let us take a comedy look at what we stutterers can learn from the animal kingdom!
A--ant: we can be slow at times but we will eventually get there
B--bear: listening to us can potentially send you into hibernation
C--cheetah: sometimes we just need to slow down
D--deer: tell me about the, "deer in a headlight," experience! (public speaking)
E--elephant: trying to get these trunk of words out
F--firefly: now you see me, now you don't; now you hear me, now you don't!
G--goat: may-may-may-may-may, sounds too familiar perfecting the art of repetition!
H--horse: Gallup, Gallup, Gallup--just slow down!
I--Iguana: crawling along but we will get there
J--jaguar: spotted cat, spotted words!
K--Kangaroo: keep on hopping over my words!
L--lion: trying to display courage under fire in a public setting is not easy!
M--mouse: we keep avoiding the "cat," lets go for the "cheese," and let the world know that
we are high achievers!
N--night hawk: still AVOIDING daylight!
O--owl: we covert stutterers are still living in the dark!
P--Parrot: we actually can talk folks, just give us a chance
Q--quail: aren't we suppose to fly?
R--rhinoceros: remember, "don't judge a book by its cover."
S--squirrel: where is the tree when you need it!
T--turtle: I think I can; I think I can!
U--urchin: the wheels are slowly turning
V--viceroy: we don't have the option of changing our names when called upon!
W--whale: public speaking for stutterers!
X-- x-ray fish: can you "see" what I am taking about!
Y--yak: do I really sound like that!
Z--zebra: stars and strips; no, what about repetition and repetition
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